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Program (C++ Class) to Calculate Theoretical Values for Actual and Potential Transpiration

For a long time, I wanted to share the source code (embedded software in C/C++) for this computer vision system (BINA Pro) system on GitHub. However, I never had enough time to go through my messy code and make it presentable. So I thought I should start sharing it in bits and pieces or at least share pieces that are more useful to others.

This piece of code shared on GitHub (repo), in C++, includes the theoretical (biophysical) models that take microclimate and plant canopy surface temperature data and calculate "actual transpiration (Ta)" and "potential transpiration (Tp)".

I developed the models myself as part of a research project at the university. Ta and Tp are useful on their own, but can be also used to calculate crop water stress index (CWSI), which is an indicator of plant stress (biotic or abiotic).

The code is modular and all equations are organized in a class. This allows for easy integration into another code. I've included some additional lines of code in separate module as an example and for testing purposes. The code works well, but it is not optimized and needs some more love and cleanup.

As mentioned, I wrote the code as part of an embedded software, but I have it in VBA as well. It should not be difficult to do it in Python if you are not into C++! I can help you with that.



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