Recent advancements in AgriTech have seen a surge in the development of sophisticated sensors and AI-powered data analytics tools. While this technological leap promises significant improvements in agricultural practices, it's crucial to remember the fundamental biophysical principles that underpin these innovations.
One area where this is particularly evident is in the measurement of Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD), a critical parameter for plant water use. This article will delve into the complexities of VPD measurement, highlighting the limitations of current approaches and emphasizing the importance of a strong foundation in plant physiology.
The Importance of VPD
VPD, essentially the difference between the water vapor pressure at saturation and the actual water vapor pressure in the air, is a key driver of plant water loss through transpiration.
Standard Meteorological VPDÂ
Traditionally, VPD is calculated using air temperature and relative humidity (VPD = es - ea, where es is the saturation vapor pressure and ea is the actual vapor pressure).
Canopy-to-Air VPD (Dc)
A more biologically relevant parameter is Dc, which considers the temperature of the plant canopy (Tc). Dc (Dc = es(Tc) - ea) more accurately reflects the driving force for water loss through the stomata.

Challenges in Measuring Canopy Temperature
While using an infrared thermometer (IRT) to measure leaf surface temperature and estimate Dc seems promising, several challenges must be addressed:
Infrared Thermometer Accuracy:
Calibration is critical, with typical errors ranging from 5-10% even after calibration.
The field of view of the IRT significantly impacts accuracy, as readings can be erroneous if the IRT captures soil or other objects.
Canopy Temperature Variability:
Leaf surface temperatures within a canopy, and even between different plants, can vary considerably.
Selecting representative leaves or canopies for measurement is crucial.
Stressor Identification:
Both biotic and abiotic stressors can influence canopy temperature, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact cause.
Measurement Timing:
The time of day significantly influences measurements, particularly in uncontrolled environments.
Plant-Specific Responses:
Different plant species exhibit varying stomatal responses to VPD changes, making surface temperature measurements less informative for some.
Key Considerations for Accurate VPD Estimation
Before relying heavily on surface temperature measurements for VPD estimation, it is crucial to:
Thoroughly understand the plant species and its stomatal behavior.
Ensure the plant's microclimate is closely coupled to the surrounding air.
While AI and sophisticated sensors offer exciting possibilities for precision agriculture, it's crucial to remember the fundamental biophysical principles that govern plant behavior.
By carefully considering the limitations of current measurement techniques and prioritizing a deep understanding of plant physiology, we can develop more accurate and reliable methods for estimating VPD and ultimately improve crop water management strategies.