After my recent post about the Hidden Complexities of VPD Measurements, and reading the comments, I realized I needed to provide more information on this topic.
Let's assume we can obtain accurate canopy surface temperature data, target plant canopies are healthy (not affected by disease or pests), measurement timing is right, and we're dealing with a plant species that responds to VPD changes.
Here are two key questions to consider:
How should canopy surface temperature readings look like in a well-watered plant versus a water-stressed plant?Â
How can we take advantage of canopy temperature and VPD measurements?Â
Canopy-to-air temperature difference (ΔT = Tc - Ta) is fundamental. For most plant species responding to VPD, ΔT should be negative, signifying active transpiration.
When plants close stomata due to water stress (soil moisture deficit), transpiration diminishes, and leaf surface temperature rises. Transpiration has a cooling effect on the leaf, similar to sweat on human skin.
Even with sufficient soil moisture, high atmospheric demand (driven by high wind, solar radiation, temperature, and low RH - high VPD) can induce stomatal closure to prevent excessive water loss.

Even with sufficient soil moisture, high atmospheric demand (driven by high wind, solar radiation, temperature, and low RH - high VPD) can induce stomatal closure to prevent excessive water loss.
High transpiration rates, driven by these factors, lead to more negative ΔT values. Conversely, low wind, radiation, temperature, and high relative humidity (low VPD) result in ΔT values closer to or even exceeding zero.
The plant's response to these environmental factors can be complex, especially when their influences on transpiration are not unidirectional. This necessitates the use of models (empirical or biophysical) to mathematically describe these intricate relationships.
Existing evapotranspiration (ET) models like Penman-Monteith lack canopy surface temperature as an input. Therefore, a transpiration model incorporating both environmental parameters and plant feedback (i.e. canopy surface temperature) is highly recommended for accurate water loss estimation.
We can also utilize a valuable index: the Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI). CWSI, available in both empirical and theoretical forms, helps determine plant water stress. Simply relying on measured ΔT and VPD values is insufficient for decision-making.
We can also utilize a valuable index: the Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI). CWSI, available in both empirical and theoretical forms, helps determine plant water stress. Simply relying on measured ΔT and VPD values is insufficient for decision-making.
We need to establish wet (non-stressed) and dry (stressed) ΔT thresholds for our plants and compare measured values against these thresholds. CWSI facilitates this normalization:
CWSI = (ΔTm - ΔTl) / (ΔTu - ΔTl)
ΔTl: Temperature difference under non-limiting soil water availability (well-watered plant canopy)
ΔTu: Temperature difference for a non-transpiring canopy (dead)
ΔTm: Difference between measured canopy (Tc) and air (Ta) temperatures

CWSI values range from 0 to 1. Values closer to zero indicate well-watered plants, while values closer to 1 signify highly stressed plants. By establishing CWSI thresholds based on the specific water requirements of our plants, we can effectively use this index for irrigation scheduling.
For a deeper dive into CWSI, I recommend this paper: